Monday, June 28, 2010

What IF

This blog is based on the principles of my recently completed book “What If, The Gift of Personal Development.” It will be launched by January 1, 2011. These concepts and ideas are a gift given to me to share with the world. I truly believe that with every cell of my body and soul. I believe God has assisted me in every aspect of the writing of my book. My life has had many ups and downs. During the writing of the book I was continually challenged to walk the walk. If there is one thing I want to stress, it is, do not let the messenger taint the veracity of the message. I am not perfect and I do not know everything. I have made many mistakes but my intentions are pure.

If the messages I describe ring true to you, then hold on to them and run with them. This blog is not an attempt to indoctrinate anyone to any one particular belief. My intent is genuine. I want to change the world. As my brother says "Shigg’s don’t think small." I implore you to take a look at the information provided within this blog with an open mind. I will point you in the direction I am looking in. All I ask is for you to do is look in this direction with me. If you see something you like or agree with then take it and make it applicable to you, so that you can improve your life. Then hopefully you will share this knowledge with one of our fellow humans. I will attempt to show a practical guide to improve your life. A simple layman’s script if you will to achieve all of the things that you wanted but have never figured out quite, how to do it.

I will post brief essays conveying the principles of the book. I welcome your feedback and questions. Feel free to utilize and expand on anything you see for we are all in this together. The traveler who believes he walks alone on this earth is truly delusional.

It is my goal to provide information and teach others, so that they may teach others. My book began as a thought. The thought was what if? What if one did not have to suffer in order to learn and improve? What if all we desired was attainable? What would that look like? What would we have to do? Then I let my imagination go further and ask, what if we taught this to our children? Can you imagine the positive shift in the collective consciousness? The possibilities would be endless. This is where my heart was during the writing and continues to be now. I believe this world I have imagined is possible! I love this world and everyone in it enough to try. I try because we are all one. We have just misplaced this awareness.

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