Saturday, July 3, 2010

Getting out of Survival Mode

All of us have been there at one point and time. Survival mode or the survival mind cycle is short sighted, myopic and ego centered. It is full of doubt and fear. It is that place and time when you are simply waiting for the other shoe to fall. Some people like to say they are preparing for the worst. It is the idea of the cup being half empty. In survival mode you can not understand the higher stages of development.

This became clear to me in my life and as I attempted to help others. They would get frustrated because I was trying to explain how identifying ones true identity is necessary to build a strong foundation. I would also try to get the person beyond the crisis at hand and thinking about who they truly were or wanted to be. I tried to convince people that if they discovered and developed their lives so that they were living in congruence with who they really were, all the trivial things and issues would get taken care of in the process. I did this to no avail because if you are on the survival mind cycle you could care less about developing your true identity. It is like trying to teach a baby to drive. They do not have the capacity mentally or physically to do it. This is not meant to demean anyone it is a fact. If you are unemployed and struggling to pay rent it is very difficult to convince you that you should discover your true identity.

I also noticed that when we discussed solutions to these crisis situations the person was more open to the higher development topics. With this in mind I decided that information is the key. Many people are not ready for this lesson at the beginning but hopefully by the end you will be. You must get out of survival mode to go to the next level. The next level is full of self discovery. It is freedom from the cycle of survival mode.

In order to get out of the survival mode try this process. First you must have the DESIRE to get out of survival mode. This sounds simple for who would want to stay in survival mode? Lots of people! If you don’t know any better or it is comfortable for you, then you may want to stay here just for those reasons. It is amazing what a person can get used to! This is not an automatic thought you must honesty desire to get out of this cycle.

Next, you must have an OPEN MIND. This means you must believe it is possible to live without constantly worrying about what is going to go wrong. Napolean Hill refers to it as PMA (positive mental attitude). Viktor Frankl refers to it as expecting a positive outcome. I highly suggest either one of these authors, but I will get to that in the next step. Do not limit your thoughts to what could go wrong. Spend some time worrying about what could go right. I have a saying and it goes like this: “Some people would rather be right and unhappy than wrong and happy, don’t be like some people!” This means instead of setting high goals and getting disappointed (but moving forward) we would rather not get our expectations too high or expect the worse and be right when things go wrong. Can you see how this sets the wheels in motion for this survival mind cycle I am referring to?

Third you must have the KNOWLEDGE that you can overcome whatever challenges life throws your way. Knowledge includes getting the information you need and taking action. If you need more motivation get a book. I have suggested two authors above and there are many more great ones out there. In my book I refer to statements or affirmations that let you begin to acknowledge your new mindset. These are statements like. I know now that I can overcome any situation. I know now that I will do whatever it takes to improve my relationships. These are just two examples.

Now you are the DOK-tor (Desire, Open minded and Knowledge).

To make it even easier you take each issue or crisis and break it down into Big (Macro) actions and Little (Micro) actions. I suggest you do this as follows.


Under the Macro list you put your Big picture goal. It could be anything from getting a new job to improving your relationship with your spouse or children. Under the micro section put four little things you can do that would help you in the achievement of your Macro goal. Now, give the four things a number from hardest thing to easiest (1 being the hardest). Do number four first, since it is the easiest. As number four becomes routine you drop it off the list and add another item so you have four. Then do number four again. Nothing in this precludes you from doing more than one thing from your micro list at a time. You will find you are moving closer and closer to your goal with each action.

No one but you needs to know about your list if you do not wish to share. You must look at your list at least three times a day at the beginning. Do not get down on yourself if you do not do it everyday or get it right. The idea is to do your best.

Analyze what you have accomplished each day and work to get better and better every day. Matter of fact; tell yourself “everyday in every way I will get better and better” (Jose Silva Method).

Here is an example:


Getting a Job.


I can get up at 7am like I had a job. Do what I would do if I was going to work to get ready then go look for a job. (2)

Talk to people employers about getting a job. Networking groups are great for this. Most jobs are gotten through networking (Cheryl Richardson). (3)

Get information. Read a book/ blog for motivation or ideas. Napolean Hill Think and Grow Rich or Stephen Covey Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are but two possibilities. (4)

Learn a new skill. Take a class to enhance your marketability. (1)

In this example you would start with getting information. Personalizes it and make it your own these are only guidelines. If you can do all four things then do it, it will only speed up the process of realizing your goal and getting you off the survival mind cycle.

You will be surprised at how little things become big things eventually. It is amazing how much simpler big problem seem if you break them down into little steps. This is no secret we have all done it before, we just need a little reminding. This is your reminder. After you get this down we will get into the discovery of your true identity!

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