Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The Tao of Me

1. Motivation

High levels of motivation come from doing what must be done. If you have an easier option you will take it. Avoidance is the killer of accomplishment. In order to move forward ignore the obstacles. Perceive obstacles as what they are only a means to wean out those who are not sure in the pursuit of a mission.

a. Proactive Must do’s

Organize and assign must do tasks. Must do tasks are independent of circumstances. They simply must be done. Hard or easy do not factor into must do’s. Can or cannot does not factor into must do’s! Help or solo does not factor into must do’s. Opinions of others do not factor into must do’s. Humans will only do what they must.

b. Artificially create your rock bottom.

Accept nothing less than the Goal. Just do it! No excuses, No fear, No failure. No longer accept comfortable. Create friction in the mediocrity that is customary to your daily existence.

c. Raise the bar

High standards are necessary for great rewards. Challenge begets excitement which begets energy which begets action. More is not a false delusion but a birthright. It must be acknowledge and claimed out of respect for it to be fully enjoyed.

Anger is misdirected passion!
Find your muse!
Get Mad!
Stand strong!
Create a fire in your belly!
Step up your game!
Don’t Think do!
Time to Act!
Do what you must!


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